Bosei Judo Academy Location Access judo from Albany Ave Classes are delivered in the gymnasium at Royal St George's College Directions by car: - Take Howland ave south from Dupont St. to Wells ave - Turn on right Wells Ave to Albany ave - Turn left on Albany Ave - Driveway to the school is approx 100m down on your left side - Use driveway to surface parking -Do not take the ramp to underground - After parking come back to Albany and proceed to the upper exterior doors and if closed knock loudly.
Free Parking
Parking is available on campus on most regularly scheduled training days however we encourage our members to walk, bike or use public transitto come to classes whenever possible.
Please do not park on Howland Ave or Albany Ave!
Free trial classes are by appointment only Please contact us at [email protected] The Bosei Judo Academy is a tenant of RSGC so we ask that you DO NOT CONTACTRoyal St. George's College Directly for information about judo classes.